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Recording and editing Grapevine's first ever live session.

Key Milestones

A quick glimpse at the moments i was a part of

I feel incredibly lucky to have contributed to some awesome teams and projects.
Here's the highlight reel for this one.

If you scroll down below this, you'll see the backstory on this role/project too.

The Call

I joined the supporter list for Grapevine as soon as I heard about it - wanting to contribute to solving a problem I felt strongly about: making people safe at work. It was just sheer luck that the callout was for someone with a skill I had.

The Answer

I responded back eagerly: "I'm in". Within a day, we were on the phone talking about ideas, stage setups, requirements, and how we might make this more than just a recording.

The Collab

Working alongside this team was a privilege and it was so great to see their minds at work as ideas ticked over. We settled on a 2-cam setup across the room, capturing wide angles enough that we could punch in for solo shots throughout the edit.

The Product

We topped off the video with frames built in the style of Grapevine's tiles - tying a direct link back to the stories told on social media with the ones told in the room.

Extending a grapevine

I'll try keep it brief.

The call was put out with 10 days til Sunrise: Grapevine is looking for a videographer. Jumping at the chance to support a mission I care deeply about, and work with some people I really admire, I emailed straight back: Count me in. With some gracious wiggle room from the Sunrise team (thx Joel, Roe and Christian) and an awesome stage to boot - we captured the Grapevine team's amazing session for anyone who couldn't be there.