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Climate Action Week Sydney

Graphic Design

Founding Sydney's first Climate Action Week

Key Milestones

A quick glimpse at the moments i was a part of

I feel incredibly lucky to have contributed to some awesome teams and projects.
Here's the highlight reel for this one.

If you scroll down below this, you'll see the backstory on this role/project too.

Organising Climate Action Week

We wrote the grant application, sourced a huge array of letters of recommendation, and won the contract. We now had the great task of creating Climate Action Week Sydney. This took a management effort of 100 experienced volunteers, pro-bono agency time, and a lot of dedication from committed climate-focused individuals.

Creating the brand

We worked alongside two agencies, TOAST creative and The Being Group, to create a brand that is accessible to a broad audience, vibrant, and focused on grassroots connection. We were quite particular on making this brand be aligned with the wider ecosystem, not just the vertical of technology.

1-day website build

Upon wrapping the brand development, we had 1 day before our soft launch to publish the website. With my headphones on and Webflow open, I got stuck in to building a site that would say who we are, what we're doing, and how you can get involved.

Event asset development

One of the biggest requirements for this project was helping the community leaders who created events to market them and brand them with our signage. To do that, we developed a series of materials from splash screens to pull up banners to event tiles for social media.

Let's explore some CAW.SYD lore

I'll try keep it brief.

In the end of 2023, Councillor HY William Chan pioneered a grant application for the City to run the southern hemisphere's first Climate Action Week. With an initial team of 5, we founded an NFP, pitched and won the grant and created a decentralised organising team of 100 people from across industries. In just 10 weeks, we've crowdsourced more than 100 events to happen in just one week. I ran the brand function of the team.